
7天前—Google最近積極為相片新服務GooglePhotos鋪路,繼宣告8月1日將暫停原有的Google+Photos後,近日也對Picasa桌面版軟體的使用者推薦轉換備份方式。,We'vedecidedtoretirePicasainordertofocusonasinglephotoserviceinGooglePhotos–anew,smarterphotoappthatworksseamlesslyacrossmobile ...,IfyouhavephotosorvideosinaPicasaWebAlbum,theeasiestwaytostillaccess,modifyandsharemostofthatcontentistologintoGooglePhotos...

Google Photos進佔Picasa桌面版建議你換個地方備份

7 天前 — Google最近積極為相片新服務Google Photos鋪路,繼宣告8月1日將暫停原有的Google+ Photos後,近日也對Picasa桌面版軟體的使用者推薦轉換備份方式。

Moving on from Picasa

We've decided to retire Picasa in order to focus on a single photo service in Google Photos – a new, smarter photo app that works seamlessly across mobile ...

Moving on from Picasa

If you have photos or videos in a Picasa Web Album, the easiest way to still access, modify and share most of that content is to log in to Google Photos. Your ...


Yes, Picasa was a free software provided by Google for managing, editing, and sharing digital photos. Users could download and use Picasa without any initial ...

Picasa 免安裝中文版

2015年10月15日 — Picasa is a free software download from Google that helps you: * Locate and organise all the photos on your computer. * Edit and add effects to ...

Picasa 即將下線

What about my photos from Blogger? These photos won't automatically appear in Google Photos, but you can view and manage your Blogger image content in Blogger.

Picasa 將正式關閉!轉移Google 相簿10大問題解答

2016年2月14日 — 我早期也是Google Picasa 照片軟體與網路相簿的使用者,那個簡單 ... 原本從blogger上傳的照片建立而成的picasa相簿,沒有出現在google photo中怎麼處理?

What's happening to Picasa Web Albums?

Picasa no longer works online, so you will not be able to add or sync albums or individual photos. Learn how to back up photos and videos to Google Photos.

從Picasa 出發,不斷改進

如選擇改用「Google 相片」,請於 使用桌面版上載工具,繼續上載相片和影片。 瞭解詳情. What about my photos from Blogger? These photos won ...